
Common Hope
Our company philosophy is to provide opportunity and security for all of our employees. In recent years, we’ve extended this philosophy beyond our walls through a partnership with Common Hope. Through Common Hope, our employees sponsor 52 children in Guatemala, helping them achieve a high school education, in a country where the average education is 5.4 years. Several employee volunteer teams have traveled to Guatemala to build homes and assist in organizing classroom activities.
Please visit and joining us in sponsoring a child!

Jr Achievement
Sign-Zone LLC is proud to support the Upper Midwest Chapter of Junior Achievement (JAUM). Each year, JAUM partners with more than 8,000 community volunteers to teach business, entrepreneurship and leadership lessons to local students. Through age-appropriate curricula, Junior Achievement programs teach students about their impact on the world as individuals, workers and consumers, along with, preparing them to succeed in school and beyond. The last five years, Sign-Zone LLC has volunteered time and finances to support JAUM. Each year, Sign-Zone LLC employees volunteer to serve as JAUM instructors in local schools. Over the last five years, employees have collectively contributed more than 1,000 hours to these teaching efforts. It's a fun and rewarding way for the company to support the community and further the education of young people.